Passive Anti-Counterfeiting Technology for Product Authentication
Once in a while, a product or idea stands out for innovation and sheer cleverness. Raupack is pleased to present Thymaris by Hicof this year at PPMA, an idea whose and simplicity and intelligence marks it out from all
other anti-counterfeiting measures.
The ability to defeat anti-counterfeit measures marks a real
low in the global supply chain. Those wishing to hijack a product, and in the process possibly endangering lives, get around the safeguards in
place to profit illegally. The issue is high on the agenda, but existing
measures can seem inadequate. Hicof have turned a potential weakness of the QR coding system to a huge strength, set to become a benchmark in anti-counterfeiting measures across many industries.
Like other systems already in use, the Thymaris Alpha Digital Anti-Counterfeiting system uses
cameras and software to capture and record product codes. However, at Hicof they realised that as each printed code dries in a random and unrepeatable way, it creates a random and unrepeatable code. Armed with this revelation, they created a system that records, then stores the unique print features of each 2D matrix code. Applied to every product at manufacture as part of existing tracking and coding procedures,
Thymaris recognises this unique ‘fingerprint’ across the supply chain, making every single product truly traceable.
Through a smartphone app, customers can verify that the products they are buying are originals, whether medicines, designer perfumes or actual 50yr-old Single Malt Whiskys. Even fake food, which has long been
problematic for the food industry, can be tackled effectively with Thymaris.
Join us on Wednesday 28th
Sept 2.40 when Gregor Rauch will be presenting the Thymaris Alpha Digital
Anti-Counterfeiting camera detection, code printing and software tracking system in the seminar theatre at the PPMA Show. Also present will be Marcel Stockburger from Hicof, to answer all your questions.
Succeed against counterfeiting with Thymaris, available in the UK from Raupack.
At this years PPMA Show we will be on Stand E112 in Hall 5.